Saturday, February 26, 2011

So it has been a while

Since my last post, I don't think I have eaten much meat, if at all. And I feel better for it. And so does my conscience. I read a lot of vegetarian stuff (the Kind Life website, Vegetarian Times, etc.) and continuously find tons of new food to try out! Just watched Spice Goddess this morning and she made this lovely cauliflower and sweet potato dish which will be our dinner tonight I think. Am I eating some cheese this morning? Sure. I admire people that are vegan but I personally love my dairy and eggs. Maybe one day I won't. I still plan on raising my own chickens for eggs - possibly this summer even. That way I would totally be able to know they were certified humane! And no, I would never turn them into an entree.
I have succumbed to the occasional pepsi. Would it help to think of it as throwback - with real sugar and not the dreaded HFCS? sort of. I love how the books I read discuss healthy eating as a journey and not an ultimatum. My mind wants me to stop it all right now, but in reality, I have to make changes over time. So yeah, the small changes are adding up. And I am feeling better all the time.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Day 2

Well today's changes hit kind of a roadblock. It looked to be an easy day but my puppy decided that it was also a good day to present some new challenges (in the form of figuring out how to go over and under the gate to the kitchen). Plus hubby is sick, and I am trying to make him eat healthier so that this whatever-he-has goes away soon.

I read all of my new Vegetarian Times magazine and continue to read The Kind Diet and I am continuously inspired. I was even checking menus in Arizona and Walt Disney World for entrees that I can try while I am on vacation, and it actually looks wonderful. I am trying more and more to be a vegetarian, but I cling to the dairy, eggs and seafood. Honestly though, regular meat products don't really appeal to me as much anymore.

Today I had a bagel with butter in the morning, with juice and a PBJ for lunch. Dinner was a simple brown rice and quinoa (Seeds of Change precooked packets!) My only vices today was a Pepsi (throwback, no HFCS) and a couple of Ghirardelli chocolates. Every day I feel better as I eat better, and that's pretty dang cool.

I didn't make it to derby practice, which bummed me out, but I will go on Tuesday. I will probably do some Wii fit in a while to get some exercise in, and then get my healthy lunch ready for work. Yeah, thats about it for the day.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Entry #1....the change begins

Why was it this year I decided to make some serious changes? I have no big life events, except finishing school pretty soon and getting a new job. I kind of got into a rut of eating crap all the time and I wanted to feel better more than I felt sicky. I also see people doing exactly what they want to do...and at 33 I'm still not sure what that will be for me. That's ok though - hopefully this blog will help me figure that out.

Today's changes: I worked on my scrapbooking for a while, worked with my puppy (for a while he got the whole fetch game...then it turned into just running back to me without the toy), and eating better...especially after I tried a Pepsi to discover that even one affects how I feel...and its not a positive impact either.

Aside from the Pepsi, I was pretty good on the eating front. Some Bolthouse farms juice, ravioli and shrimp for lunch, a Boca burger for dinner (celery and PB, and some guacamole on the side). For a snack I had some honey mustard pretzels, and a bite of a Toblerone. And I love to look in my fridge, freezer and cupboards and see loads of healthiness to choose from!

What will I do with the rest of the day? Who knows....but I will probably blog about it later.