Monday, April 25, 2011

War on Junk

Oh I was good this weekend. We went shopping and bought most all healthy foods. I also cleaned out part of the kitchen and rid ourselves of anything that could be constituted as junk. I tried out Earth Balance buttery spread and it was suprisingly yummy! (again, no guilt with butter..well less than regular anyways). We also tried these kale chip things.....OMG! Delicious! I want lots and lots of them. It's amazing how many cool healthy foods and snacks are out there! Still looking for more...but right now the kitchen and dinner calls!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Merrily on my way to nowhere in particular~

I am working on the serious business of budgeting, trying to whittle down the bills and finishing schoolwork so I can graduate on time. Great. But the wheels in my head have been cranking away -and I have like ten or more plans of things I would want to do. And it doesn't seem to all mesh together. Hmmm.... But I will be consulting with two trusted friends to see how to make it all work. Will there be some sacrifices? Most likely. Will I have to give up some things in the short term to make the long term goals happen? Yeah. But I am convinced it will all be worth it. My first goal is to go through my house and organize. Yes, just that. If I know where things are, and everything is readily available that I need -things will run a little more smooth. Pics to be posted whenever this is done. :) For this week -it's all cleaning and research. Let the fun begin!

Monday, April 11, 2011

As Chip said...."Oh H.R. Puffinstuff!"

Today was such a good Monday! It was beautiful out and work went well. I had a mega healthy lunch - and vegetarian too! It would have been vegan, but the only mayo I had was regular. Note to self - Vegenaise on shopping list. Then I went home, windows open, and cooked a super healthy dinner of cabbage, potatoes and peas. Vegetarian again - I love butter - I admit it. But I am making progress. Chip did too - realized that chicken nuggets do not healthy make him, and chucked them out. And then I wrote in the book I wish to eventually have published. No leaks yet, I accomplished things tonight. Oh yeah, while dinner cooked away I did some dishes too. Let's see if this trend continues tomorrow. I am gonna try the whole walking to work thing again too. Sweet! Off to make a healthy lunch ready for the morning!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Still not the changes I want

As I sit here, I realize I too often let time tick away while I check out in front of the television. There's a whole big craft room next door not being used. And I sit in bed and come up with great writing ideas that are trapped in the recesses of my brain. What did I change today? Sure my eating habits are a lot better, but I whine about fatigue that is mainly created by my sedentary-ness. What the heck. Ok I really want to see the rest of this show, but after I am going to plunk my behind in the craft room. To make the transition better - I will bring in the laptop, maybe put on something on netflix or pandora.

Saturday, April 9, 2011


Aside from the amount of soda I drank today, I ate healthy otherwise. Especially the mango I decided on for a late night snack. Trying not to eat way heavy stuff, like the french fries some unnamed subject likes to taunt me with in the evenings. I wanted to do a bunch of big projects, but I decided to do some other little ones I have been neglecting for way too long. These little neglected projects took me just as long to accomplish, maybe more but I am glad they are done. Maybe I will get some done tomorrow.

Sunday, April 3, 2011


I mostly ate healthy today and tried some new stuff too. Like drinking water throughout the day. And I made some stir fried bok choy...yummy. Homework is getting done, and I am starting some other projects as well. I have tons of ideas and it's time to set them in motion. Especially if I want this super awesome life I dream of. Will there be tough decisions ahead. You bet. Will I be sad at times or confused? Probably. Do I have more conviction about moving ahead every day? Definitely. No more waiting for the right time to start; I'm starting now. Oh yeah - from now on I am drinking more water, less Pepsi.

Friday, April 1, 2011


It's been a long week and I was exhausted for most of it. Instead of eating healthy foods, I broke down and ate pizza, subs, and other totally not-good-for-me stuff. Today I did a little bit better and decided to snack on some Mary's Gone Crackers (yum!) and Tofutti cream cheese. Dinner is being warmed as we speak - rosemary potato wedges and Morningstar corn dogs. All frozen? You bet, but on a Friday night after this long week - it's so healthy in comparison! I will probably finish out the evening with some berries or something else healthy for a snack. Nice.